97 Green Street, Rt. 106 | Foxboro, MA 02035 | 508.543.2626
  • Mass Premier Basketball Player
  • Mass Premier Basketball Players
  • Mass Premier Female Basketball Players
  • Mass Premier Basketball Player Dribbling the Ball
  • Mass Premier Children Learning how to Kick Footballs
  • Mass Premier Female Volleyball Player
New England's Largest Indoor Basketball Facility

Club Volleyball Success

When we began Mass Premier Volleyball years ago, our teams finished in the C, B and A levels of Nerva Volleyball. Since then, our teams have climbed the ranks, with one team finishing in Open, and most other teams finishing in the A level. We strive to give our players top quality instruction, and are constantly reviewing our coaching and program as a whole to make sure your child has the best experience possible, both on and off the court.

This past season, our teams competed in both the club and open levels at the Boston Pre-qualifier. 

NERVA Championships 22-23

18-1 (AB): 1st Place

16-1 (A): 1st Place

14-3 (C): 2nd Place

Throughout the 22-23 season, MPC took home a total of 30 medals at NERVA tournaments. Our club teams worked hard and claimed 17 Gold medals and 13 Silver medals at NERVA. For our major events, MPC teams earned four medals. 2 teams edning in the Gold Bracket, 8 teams ending in the Silver Brakcet, and 8 teams ending in the Bronze bracket. The major events we attend are extremely competitive and we are very proud of the FOUR medals we took home this season! We look forward to another year of progress and growth as we head into our 23-24 club volleyball season!


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